1, to keep regularly updated website content
This is the most basic, because every webmaster knows the truth that content is king . Update article is best able to keep updated daily and articles high, so we know that the site is good, to be reminded that the number of articles , and updates the best time regular quantitative, and original , it is a good spider crawling .
2 , outside the chain of update
Outside the chain, it is very important for Google pr value good website is very important , good quality and high weight outside the chain can make a website in a short time baidu snapshot updated every day . To the high weight forum made several postings do outside the chain , the owners made a few stops on soft paper . Soft effect is undeniable, update the chain is also essential.
3 , Links
Good links not only to play a stabilizing role in the ranking , but also to make the site baidu snapshot update, can have more exchange of a few good links , then your website content updated work can also be reduced a lot. baidu baidu optimization value is a snapshot and record , requiring high point , then you can see the ranking of keywords , so when you exchange links do not just look pr. but also often to go check your links, whether one was dismissed , there being k, included reducing the number of snapshot does not update or return to the site , these are the things we do every day .
1, to keep regularly updated website content
This is the most basic, because every webmaster knows the truth that content is king . Update article is best able to keep updated daily and articles high, so we know that the site is good, to be reminded that the number of articles , and updates the best time regular quantitative, and original , it is a good spider crawling .
2 , outside the chain of update
Outside the chain, it is very important for Google pr value good website is very important , good quality and high weight outside the chain can make a website in a short time baidu snapshot updated every day . To the high weight forum made several postings do outside the chain , the owners made a few stops on soft paper . Soft effect is undeniable, update the chain is also essential.
3 , Links
Good links not only to play a stabilizing role in the ranking , but also to make the site baidu snapshot update, can have more exchange of a few good links , then your website content updated work can also be reduced a lot. baidu baidu optimization value is a snapshot and record , requiring high point , then you can see the ranking of keywords , so when you exchange links do not just look pr. but also often to go check your links, whether one was dismissed , there being k, included reducing the number of snapshot does not update or return to the site , these are the things we do every day .